
Board of Appeal

Photo:Niclas Jessen&Niclas Jessen

The board was established by the Danish Holiday Home Association (Feriehusudlejernes Brancheforening) and the Danish Consumer Council (Forbrugerrådet Tænk).The articles of association have been approved by the Danish Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs.

The Board of Appeal processes complaints about letting agencies that are established in Denmark from lessees regarding their stay in and renting of holiday homes. A complaint about a letting agency that is established abroad can, however, be processed if the case is more related to Denmark than to the country of establishment if the parties so agree.

The Board of Appeal represents an alternative to the ordinary legal system. On this website you may read more about the organ.

The Board of Appeal deals solely with legal enquiries concerning the legal relationship between a private consumer and the lessor of a holiday home. Cases concerning personal injury or damage to property can not be dealt with.

By complaining to the Board of Appeal for Holiday Homes (Ankenævnet for Feriehusudlejning), you explicitly consent to the secretariat, the Board of Appeal and the rental agency to receive the personal information included in the complaint form and the other documents of the case.

In order to process your case, the Board of Appeal needs to know your name, address and e-mail address.

The Board of Appeal treats your personal information with precaution and does not disclose your information to third parties. Your information will be forwarded only to the respondent (the rental agency), for them to comment on your complaint. In addition, your personal information will only be forwarded to the members of the Board of Appeal that will process the case.

Before bringing a complaint to the Board of Appeal, you must first have sought to come to agreement with the holiday home lessor. It is also important that you attempt to reach an agreement with the lessor following your stay.

The approximate processing time is six months. To reduce processing time as much as possible, we recommend that all communication with the Secretariat takes place through e-mail. Our e-mail address is

Preferably, files sent to the Secretariat should be no larger than 10,000 KB. The preferred file formats are JPG, PDF, and Word documents.

On the Danish website you may find a number of prior rulings made by the Board of Appeal (in Danish). We encourage you to refer to these rulings to get an impression of the Board's decisions in prior cases that may be similar to yours. You find the rulings here: