Questions and answers

Nej, der er ingen tidsfrister for indbringelse af en klage for ankenævnet. Man skal dog som klager være opmærksom på, at sagen ikke falder for en passivitetsbetragtning, hvis man har været inaktiv i en længere periode, før klagen indgives til ankenævnet.

The overall objective of the Complaints Board is to be cost effective, meaning a fair legal hearing without severe legal costs. It costs EUR 40 (in Denmark DKK 300) for the complainer to raise a complaint. The fee is refunded to the lessee if the lessee’s claim is sustained in whole or in part, or if the case is rejected as not being suitable for processing.

No. Only a private consumer may commence a case at the Complaints Board.

It means that the Complaints Board has an authorization from the Danish government in order to hear cases subject to its competence according to the statutes. The government approval (by the Danish Minister for Industry, Business and Financial Affairs) guaranties the authority of the Complaints Board. However, the Complaints Board is run solely by private organizations – Danish Holiday Home Association (Feriehusudlejernes Brancheforening) and the Danish Consumer Council (Forbrugerrådet Tænk).

The board processes complaints about letting agencies that are established in Denmark from lessees regarding their stay in and renting of holiday homes. The holiday home may be located outside Denmark if the letting agency is located in Denmark. A complaint about a letting agency that is established abroad can, however, be processed if the case is more related to Denmark than to the country of establishment if the parties so agree.

A case can concern all circumstances in the legal relationship between the parties. The board of appeal, however, must reject complaints if the processing pursuant to legislation is given to public authorities and cases concerning personal injury or damage to property.