Costs for the agent


A letting agency must pay an amount for processing of the case if

  1. The lessee’s claim is sustained or
  2. The case is settled in such a way that the lessee’s claim is sustained or
  3. The letting agency’s offer during processing of the complaint is sustained by the board of appeal.

For letting agencies that contribute to the operation of the board of appeal on an ongoing basis through membership of the Danish Holiday Home Association (Feriehusudlejernes Brancheforening), it comprises the amount mentioned in (1) no. 1, DKK 2,500, and the amount mentioned in (1) nos. 2 and 3, DKK 1,250.

For letting agencies that do not contribute to the operation of the board of appeal on an ongoing basis through membership of the Danish Holiday Home Association (Feriehusudlejernes Brancheforening), it comprises the amount mentioned in (1) no. 1, DKK 8,000, and the amount mentioned in (1) nos. 2 and 3, DKK 4,000.